The principle of operation of the windmill is quite simple, so such equipment can be manufactured independently. The use of this equipment will not only allow you to save on electricity bills, but also to sell it to the state at a “green tariff”. This method of energy generation is suitable for any facility located in an area without centralized power supply or can be used as an additional source. It is the optimal choice and allows for the autonomous electrification of any object.

This equipment has blades that are set in motion by the wind. This rotation starts the turbine, which also starts to rotate. The turbine begins to generate energy, the power of which is determined by the wind force. As wind energy increases, so does the mechanical energy generated by the turbine. The wind turbine device may differ in the presence or absence of a multiplier on the rotor.

If it is provided, the energy from the turbine is transferred to it. The purpose of the multiplier is to accelerate the rotation of the axis. Installations without this equipment are more efficient, as they do not generate additional energy (to accelerate the axis rotation), and therefore do not consume it. Such equipment has enough wind energy to function properly.

The principle of operation of the wind power plant made it possible to generate electricity in an alternative way and ensure the autonomy of each facility. The power of this equipment is completely determined by the size of its blades. The larger their area, the higher power can be obtained using the principle of operation of the wind turbine.

The power of wind equipment is calculated on the basis of the cubic dependence of the wind speed. The cubic dependence means that if a wind flow with a speed of 6 m/s provides a power output of 100 W, then an increase in the flow to 12 m/s will lead to an eightfold increase in power – up to 800 W.

If the turbine is small, very strong winds will be required to generate high power. If the turbine is large, it is capable of producing the required power even at low wind speeds. The design of the wind turbine fully determines its ability to produce a certain amount of electricity per unit of time, depending on the wind speed.